Monday, August 31, 2009
Naruto Shippuden Release Date!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
I am Kira! a Death Note Relight review

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
What was it called...finding Japanese songs
Monday, August 10, 2009
I don't choose you, Pikachu! the Pokemon Tragedy
Thinking about becoming part of the Pokemon franchise?
Well, think again.
Pokemon was an innocent TV show about a boy (Ash) who wanted to become a Pokemon trainer. (Pokemon is directly translated as "pocket monsters.") Basically, he travels around the globe with his two friends, Brock and Misty, fighting different people and entering different tournaments, all in the hope of becoming a Pokemon trainer.
Pros: There aren't really any pros for this series. Sure, it used to be great. It was once just a nice TV show about imaginary creatures, one that you could watch and be entertained with for a while. But now...
One pro would be that, since there are so many episodes, chances are you'll find your name in one.
Cons: This series should have ended a while again. Now, there are thousands of episodes. If you haven't been watching from the beginning, it's virtually impossible to catch up. Plus, Misty (one of the original main characters) has completely disappeared. Pikachu has never evolved. He never will. I don't think Ash has become a Pokemon trainer. If he hasn't by now, he won't. Now, this series seems like an awful scheme to get money. There are tons of Pokemon merchandise. Also, there is no depth to the series. Though Misty had a crush on Ash, that storyline was never explored. Brock never finds a girl. All it is a boy who won't stop running around the planet, obsessing over Pokemon.
Overview: Don't watch it. Sure, if you want to see the first few seasons, that's great. If you ever come to a part of the series that seems like the end, don't continue. It's just not worth it. The series goes around in circles. Like they say, all good things must come to an end. For Pokemon, the end couldn't come fast enough.
(Photo courtesy of photobucket.)
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
What'd you call me? a post on learning Japanese
Learn Hiragana and Katakana
This site contains more than kana games. It also has kanji games and a japanese test, with much more!
Japanese Pod 101
This site has culture classes and many free lessons on various levels. Go to this site to find another hiragana game!
Hiragana Game
This has a helpful hiragana game!
Oh I wish… an Xxxholic review (the anime)
Watanuki Kimihiro (Japanese name order) is extremely unfortunate.
His parents died when he was a young kid, so he had to be raised by his landlord. His crush- Himawari-chan- seems oblivious to his feelings. He seems fated to always be around his least favorite person, Doumeki. To top it all off, Watanuki sees spirits.
They see him, too.
On a day when a spirit is chasing him, Watanuki desperately starts running. When he does that, he feels drawn to a house at the end of the block. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on what happens later), that house is owned by Yuuko Urahara. Otherwise known as the Dimensional Witch.
Yuuko’s house is one that can’t be entered unless someone has a wish. She is a granter of wishes. People come to her for a large variety of supernatural problems. According to her, Watanuki coming is not coincidence. It is not chance. It is only hitsuzen (inevitability).
Yuuko has Watanuki work for her, in her strange shop. Along the way, he meets Maru and Moro, strange little girls who don’t have souls. They only exist to protect the shop. Watanuki also meets Black Mokona, the opposite of the Mokona in Tsubasa. He also caters to Yuuko’s every wish and tags along when she visits with people who need her help.
If you like Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, you’ll like this series. The two stories are closely intertwined, along with other CLAMP series. The only downsides here are Yuuko’s taste for alcohol and her desire to wear revealing clothing. Other than that, it is a wonderful series. Unfortunately, it ends rather quickly. It doesn’t answer any of the questions it has brought up. Also, the anime doesn’t connect with the Tsubasa anime as much as the mangas did. If you read the manga, this anime is okay to watch. They don’t present any new storylines that I can remember, but they also don’t ruin the rest of the manga.
Still, it makes for an interesting anime. If you like animes that are thought provoking, you’ll love this one. Enjoy!
Watch here!
(Picture from photobucket and not of my own creation! Xxxholic is a Funimation series, and you can watch it on their site as well.)
Agh, Bugs! a review on Mushi-shi (the anime)
Mushi-shi is an incredible anime. It has all you could want: an interesting story, beautiful art…Of course, if you’ve come here for action, you’ve chosen the wrong anime.
Mushi-shi is an engaging story about mushi. What are mushi? you ask. Mushi are bugs that aren’t really bugs. (No, it doesn’t make sense.) They’re supernatural beings whose existence can upset the balance of the world around them. Most humans can’t see them. Mushi are particularly bad for humans to be around. Strange things happen when these two worlds-of mushi and humans-mix.
So, mushi aren’t bugs. But to save me from explaining something that I still don’t quite understand, we’ll just think of them as bugs.
The mushi-shi in this story (the person who is an expert on these bugs) is a strange man by the name of Ginko. Little is known about him. He doesn’t have a home. He simply travels the world, helping people deal with mushi.
The stories in this series are engaging. You can find strange people (after all, is a series any good without strange people?) and odd circumstances. And if these don’t hook you, you can stare at the breathtaking graphics. Overall, this is a wonderful series. If I had the time to watch another anime all over again, I’d pick this one.
So, come explore the fascinating world of mushi! Watch Mushi-shi.
(Picture from Photobucket and not of my own creation. Mushi-shi is a Funimation series, also not of my creation.)
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Bite me! a review of Vampire Knight (the manga)
Rated 16+
Vampire Knight is a pretty interesting shojo manga series. (Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. I tend to dislike all shojo mangas, so if I like this one, it's got to be good.) This is actually pretty interesting.
Vampire Knight is about...vampires.
It's okay! Don't freak out! These vampires don't sparkle or anything. In fact, the Twilight vampires kind of look like younger, inexperienced kids next to these vamps. In a fight, Edward would definitely lose. (Especially the movie-Edward.) Unfortunately, it does follow the same girl-likes-vamp kind of theme. But that one has recently made a comeback, so we should all just get used to it.
Yuki Cross can't remember her past. All she knows was that a vampire attacked her as a young child, and Kaname Kuran, another vampire, saved her. She was taken in by Mr. Cross. She was raised to like vampires. Mr. Cross is all about everyone getting along, and he tries to instill that value into Yuki Cross. Zero Kiryu, the child of a vampire hunter, also ends up living there. His entire family has been attacked and killed by a revenge-hungry vampire. They become friends (though one might call their relationship a bit...strange).
Then, Mr. Cross comes up with a brilliant idea. He'll open up a school for vampires! (Which is pretty strange, considering that his adopted daughter was attacked by one, and so was Zero. Kind of makes you wonder if he honestly cares about them.) Of course, regular kids can come to the Cross Academy as well. But they (dubbed the "Day Class" since they go to school during the day), mustn't know that the "Night Class" is full of vampires-he wouldn't want the lawsuits. That's where Yuki and Zero come in. They are the school guardians, protecting the Day Class from the Night Class. And vice versa.
It doesn't quite help that Yuki seems to be in love with Kaname Kuran, one of the top kids in the Night Class. It also doesn't help that Zero has his own...issues.
This series, created by Matsuri Hino, is pretty interesting. The illustration style is wonderful. But it's a good thing this series isn't in color. It would be the creepiest book ever, and would have gotten a bad review instead of a good one. (There's quite a lot of blood.) The only problem I have with it is that Yuki seems to be annoying energetic and optimistic. How many times does she have to be attacked by a vampire to learn her lesson? Vampires are bad. She needs to stay away from them. And some scenes make this vamp series worthy of its rating, so be on the lookout for those. Other than that, it's a good series.
Will Yuki stay away from the vampires? What's up with Zero?
These are questions that can only be answered by...reading!
Check out Vampire Knight at Amazon.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Tsubasa-the manga

Not that this show is anything like that. Trust me, it's not even close. The only thing is that the two main characters (Syaoran Li and Sakura) are the same.
They're the same, but they're not.
But you'll understand soon.
Essentially, this is a touching story about two friends. Sakura and Syaoran have practically grown up together. Had none of this happened, maybe they would have simply spent their entire lives together, or even gotten married. Syaoran could have become the King of Clow Country (as Sakura was the princess). He could have viewed all the different architectual designs he wanted. He might have gotten Sakura's brother to actually like him. (Or hate him less.) Maybe none of this would have happened.
Somehow, I doubt that.
Sakura's memories were split into numerous feathers, scattered across all dimensions. The only way to get them back was to visit the Dimensional Witch, otherwise known as Yûko. She grants wishes-for a price. Usually it's your most valuable possession. Two others have come to her as well: Kurogane and Fai D. Fluorite. Everyone must pay a price to go on their journey together. For Fai, it's a tattoo on his back. For Kurogane, it's his sword. For Syaoran and Sakura, it's their relationship.
The story follows the characters as they go to various dimensions, with a small creature named Mokona, looking for Sakura's feathers. The thing about these different dimensions is that they contain people who are the same-but different. They include people with the same faces and personalities, only different experiences. (For example, you could see Sakura's brother multiple times, only he would never know Sakura.) This is a wonderful manga series, from the great mangaka, CLAMP. The thing that makes this story so engaging is that there are many underlying plots and complex characters. Each one has their own problems. They are never how they seem.
Will Sakura and Syaoran stay together? Who knows?
Learn more here
Death note

Sunday, July 19, 2009
Fullmetal Alchemist


But that still doesn't tell you much about the show, does it?
Naruto Uzumaki is a kid who belongs to the Leaf Village. (The different areas in his world are separated into villages.) He doesn't have any parents. He lives by himself in a lonesome apartment. All of the villagers avoid him, since he has a demon-the Nine-Tailed Fox-locked inside of him. It was locked inside of him when he was a child in order to save the entire village. Though that should give him a place of honor in the village, it has only given him one of shame.
So, Naruto decides to become a ninja. No, more specifically, he decides he wants to be hokage. (The head of the village-like the president or the mayor.) That way, Naruto will definitely prove all of them wrong. At least, that's his reasoning.
And it all goes on from there. Suddenly Naruto's getting into all wacky situations and making friends with all sorts of strange characters. You'll learn to love Sasuke (or hate him, take your pick), the last Uchiha, and laugh at Sakura's rages and her inner personality.
Don't expect to be laughing constantly, though. The main thing about this show is that, while it's funny, it's also serious. Every one of the characters has some sort of problem or desire they want fulfilled. They have futures that are uncertain. They're struggling to find their way, just like regular kids.
The only downside to this show is that, at times, it can be slightly inappropriate. It almost makes me wonder how a station like Cartoon Network managed to get away with having Naruto on there. But those times are few and far in between.
Over all, Naruto is an excellent show. I highly recommend it.
Watch Naruto!